The Telecom Provider Battle and the Criticality of CX

March 3rd, 2023

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Joshua Feast, CEO and co-founder of Cogito

Between customer complaints and requests for perks, discounts, and upgrades, telecommunications contact centers face unique challenges. Frontline agents often serve as the first point of contact for many customers, making them the face and voice of the company. In such a competitive landscape, where one bad customer service interaction could result in the consumer switching service providers, telecommunications teams must figure out what to do to stay ahead of the rest. [Read more →]

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Thursday Roundup: Infinera, Arelion, UCC, AtlasEdge, DataBank

March 2nd, 2023

A bit of M&A, some new tech, a channel move, and a financial move. [Read more →]

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Wednesday Bytes: Sparkle, Econet, Ericsson, Colt, Equinix, Vocus

March 1st, 2023

Two subsea projects, a 5G vendor win, and an expanded SDN partnership: [Read more →]

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Tuesday Bytes: Transit Wireless, Consolidated, Andrena, Arcadian Infracom

February 28th, 2023

Four bits of infrastructure news from around the US, one for FTTH, two for urban mobile networks, and one longhaul project: [Read more →]

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Industry Spotlight – PowerHouse Data Centers’ Luke Kipfer Talks Development & Sustainability

February 27th, 2023

One of the newer entrants into the data center development space is PowerHouse Data Centers, a division of AREP.  Via a joint venture with Harrison Street, they already have three properties in northern Virginia under development, with plans for more in the works.  With an approach to sustainability that touches on many levels, PowerHouse is looking to meet the long term demands of hyperscalers for the right kind of facility in the right locations.  With us today to talk about their fresh approach and future plans is Luke Kipfer, Vice President, Data Center Development & Construction. [Read more →]

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Twitter vs A2P Fraud: Validating Messaging Traffic with Intelligent Data Insights

February 24th, 2023

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Tim Ward, VP Number Information Services  at XConnect

Even Twitter isn’t immune to Application to Person (A2P) fraud, according to Elon Musk. In December Musk said telcos were using bots to generate $60 million worth of fraudulent text messages within a year. In response to this, he shut down all telcos that have fraud above 10 percent, impacting [Read more →]

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Thursday Roundup: GTT, BICS, Consolidated, Dobson, Fujitsu

February 23rd, 2023

Two contract wins, one federal grant, some FTTH, and another terabit optical launch: [Read more →]

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Ciena Leaps Toward 1.6Tbps With WL6

February 22nd, 2023

With 400G and 800G now finding their feet in real deployments across the infrastructure world, it’s that time again for the next generation of technology to get started. Yesterday Ciena led off with the introduction of its WaveLogic 6 technology, which will bust through [Read more →]

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How Smart is Your Data Center?

February 22nd, 2023

This sponsored thought leadership article was authored by Brent Bensten, Chief Technology Officer for QTS Data Centers

As digital transformation accelerates across industries and a new digital economy takes shape globally, demand for digital infrastructure and data center capacity – along with related costs and complexity – are increasing rapidly. [Read more →]

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Tuesday Bytes: AirTrunk, AMS-IX, MainOne, Spirent, Anritsu

February 21st, 2023

A data center buildout, a new DCI service, a certification, and a testing collaboration:


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Monday Roundup: RETN, PDG, BICS, Nokia, Render Networks

February 20th, 2023

Some metro fiber, a new data center, a bit of network slicing, and some FTTH: [Read more →]

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Four Telecom Predictions for 2023

February 17th, 2023

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Glenn Chagnot, Senior Director of Product Management, Cloud Solutions, Spirent

Communication service providers (CSPs) have big plans for 2023. 5G densification, virtualized radio networks, edge computing, private wireless, and more, it’s all on the table. But which projects look poised to make the biggest waves for telecom operators and their customers? [Read more →]

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Thursday Roundup: Equinix, Colt, Breezeline, MTN Group, EXFO

February 16th, 2023

A couple of expansions and a couple of customer wins to keep up with: [Read more →]

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Vendor Bytes: Ribbon, Spirent, Nokia, Exium, Enea

February 15th, 2023

A couple DWDM, some SASE data, and a bit of 5G testing: [Read more →]

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Tuesday Bytes: Empire, Ritter, Ciena, MdBC, Windstream

February 14th, 2023

Two FTTH projects, a middle mile upgrade, and some managed security: [Read more →]

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Industry Spotlight: Bridging the Datacenter Talent Gap with SMU’s Dr. Klyne Smith

February 13th, 2023

One of the most difficult challenges the infrastructure industry faces is that of acquiring talent.  The reason simply is that the pool of people with relevant experience is too small, because the education system of today isn’t oriented toward serving this need.  There is no clearer example of this than within the modern datacenter, which house an integrated nexus of technologies rarely taught in the same parts of a college campus.  With us today is Dr. Klyne Smith, who co directs the M.S. in Datacenter Systems Engineering program at SMU.  SMU’s program is one of the few out there that are taking the problem head on. [Read more →]

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Blockchain-powered dispute management to reduce the intercarrier settlement time by 60%

February 10th, 2023

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Boominathan Shanmugam of Prodapt

Service providers in the Connectedness industry receive intercarrier invoices worth over USD 1.2 billion annually and are challenged with more than 25% revenue blockage due to disputes. Managing disputes and improving trust in intercarrier settlements is challenging for service providers. The traditional dispute analysis and resolution approaches are inefficient, delaying settlements [Read more →]

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Thursday Bytes: WIOCC, 2Africa, Windstream, UPN, Nokia

February 9th, 2023

One subsea, one managed SSE, one metro expansion, and some new factory capability from a vendor: [Read more →]

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Wednesday Roundup: Bluebird, Hurricane Electric, LiveOak, Nokia, LightSpeed

February 8th, 2023

Four regional buildout and expansion projects in the Midwest and Southeast worth noting: [Read more →]

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Int’l Bytes: Orange Business, Ericsson, Juniper, Avelacom

February 7th, 2023

Four interesting bits of news from four different parts of the globe to keep up with: [Read more →]

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Millicom Plans Bi-Oceanic Corridor Fiber

February 6th, 2023

Fiber in South America has had a tendency to come from the coasts and move inland. However, Millicom, which provides services in Latin America via the TIGO brand, has plans to change that up somewhat and build some transcontinental fiber. [Read more →]

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Friday Roundup: Netera, GPC, GNX, stc, Huawi

February 3rd, 2023

Several last mile upgrades an some new funding, both domestic and overseas: [Read more →]

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Int’l Bytes: Prime, BDx, Liquid, Nokia, Web Werks, Iron Mountain

February 2nd, 2023

Four very interesting projects on three continent to keep up with, 3 data centers and one terrestrial backbone: [Read more →]

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