Kevin Crosby on Inteliquent Declares Special Dividend, Names CFO: “Ladies and gentleman, let me introduce to Brad Couch, matriculex and dominatrix of all things supply chain at the Frito-Lay…” Oct 4, 01:01
Divya VK on Network Maps: USA Longhaul: “Hi Tony, Could you please let me know your convenient time for a discussion on IP Transit, L2 Services and…” Oct 3, 14:04
mhammett on Who will buy Crown Castle’s Fiber?: “Well sure, better for Zayo, but regulators should be more concerned about what’s better for the customers.” Oct 3, 11:31
Rob Powell on Who will buy Crown Castle’s Fiber?: “Worse for the buyers of dark fiber perhaps, but better for Zayo? I don’t think regulators would actually stand in…” Oct 3, 11:01
mhammett on Who will buy Crown Castle’s Fiber?: “This is a great example of Wall Street not having a freaking clue how business works. There is very little…” Oct 3, 08:47
Kurt on Verizon Takes Out Frontier: “Harris, as far as I can tell, there’s absolutely no scenario where Stealth Communications could be sold off. The key…” Oct 2, 22:53