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145 Comments So Far

  • LVLT Germany CDN says:

    cdn win:

    German TV channel win

  • Clevus says:

    So this is what Cloud computing is all about???

  • Clevus says:

    Rob, the link on the “MORE” button on your banner appears to be broken

    • ALLEN DONNA FIRM says:

      Allen Donna Loan Consultant at Wonga, Zopa amongst others
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      Contact us now at:( with an application and we will review, confirm and get back to you with the funding proceedings.

  • Rob Powell says:

    Clevus, thank you! It was apparently broken for months for anyone using IE6. I believe I have fixed it now, though people may need to clear their cache to see it.

    For those who thought my “More” menu button was just empty, it should open a dropdown menu with more options.

  • Rob Powell says:

    BTW, I highly recommend anyone using IE6 upgrade. IE6 is primitive, is unbearably slow, leaks memory, crashes frequently, and displays many websites incorrectly. IE7 is much better, and Firefox is much, much better.

    • Matt Capitao says:

      I agree completely. IE6 acts completely different than most moden browsers when it comes to CSS. With the release of IE8.0 many sites have been modified to keep them working from 7 to 8 but in the process things may get broken in IE6 without anyone noticing, as was the case when our dev team at CDM Media recently updated our cto telecomsummit site. We didnt catch the bug untill 3 days after the new site went up to production. 🙁

  • Clevus says:

    An incosequential suggestion, or perhaps it is once again due to my use of IE6 In the comments, the date that a comment is posted appears as a very light grey color that my eyes just refuse to let me see. Is there anyway that this text can be darkened up a bit?

  • Frank says:

    Any info on the Hypercube lawsuit? Does it have any foundation and what could it do to Level 3 if they do lose the lawsuit in terms of their business model. Is Level 3 very aggresive with other carriers like this?

  • Don Virkus says:

    How do I get new phone books in Bonita Springs, Florida?

  • Anonymous says:

    you should look into the litigation between XO & Global Xing. very interesting

    • Anonymous says:

      What litigation b/w XO & Global Xing? Do you have a link to a filing someplace that you can share? What is basis for complaint? Please expand.

      • Anonymous says:

        GX is suing XO for numerous employees ignoring non-competes in terms of accounts and executives taking employees with them. A nasty legal fight has been going on for months.

        • Anonymous says:

          Who says? I searched all online databases of litigation and can find some things related to XO and or GX but nothing with both. Do you have a link to a court document to back up your claim? Or is this another baseless claim ?

          • Anonymous says:

            Not baseless at all….Rob should dig, big story. GC is suing Wagner and Toplisek for breach of Non competes and Toplisek taking classified info on GC products and maps to XO, when due dilligence from courts asked Toplisek for computer it was allegedly stolen the night before it was to be scanned…yet never a police report was submitted…interesting…..much more on this for Rob to uncover including open recruitment of talent at GC that were instructed by Toplisek to bring customer info to XO as recent as Jan/Feb of this year, despite lawsuit being in motion from Nov of 09′

          • Rob Powell says:

            Hmmm, interesting place for this discussion. I will say that I have certainly heard of a disagreement between GLBC and XO. Much of it seems to stem from XO’s big assault on the fortune 500 last year, in which it brought in a bunch of alpha-wolf salesfolk from GLBC. Ugly things followed thereafter, and it sounds like a real mess. That being said, I don’t yet know of the details of specific litigation mentioned here.

          • Anonymous says:

            Ridiculous. Clearly a ploy from a GC employee or former XO employee. Either way total BS.

  • Anonymous says:

    Rumor has it that Fibertech has been sold. The deal is all but done and will be announced shortly. Private equity appears to be the player.

  • Anonymous says:

    I can valiate Toplisek gave direction to GC employees to take data…slippery fellow he is

  • joe machado says:

    How do the installations for PRI – T1’s work?
    Is there an interface software for T1 provisioning and interfacing with the actual carrier?
    Can we get orders placed then turn them on at a particular date?
    How is your commission structure?
    Who is the local contact person?

  • Anonymous says:

    Anyone hearing about rumors pertaining to layoffs this week at Global Crossing? I am seeing several online posts of individuals in Finance, HR, IT having lost their jobs. Speculation is more have occurred across sales, operations, engineering, etc. Can anyone confirm this?

  • Jenny says:

    SEO, Internet Marketing


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     We can place your website on top of the Natural Listings on Google, Yahoo and MSN. We do not use “”link farms”” or “”black hat”” methods that Google and the other search engines frown upon and can use to de-list or ban your site. . Price is never a constraint with us because we take pride in handling challenging work.

     We would be happy to send you best fit proposal for web development and designing and if you have a SEO requirement we will send you a proposal using the top search phrases for your area of expertise.

    In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and /or phone number.

    Jenny Carner
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  • Jenny says:


    We are leading SEO service provider and web Development Company. We are expert in PHP,.NET, and many open sources like Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, Oscommerse ,Zencart and Blog Management. We offer best of quality work to our clients at the lowest possible prices. We can quickly promote your website.

    We can place your website on top of the Natural Listings on Google, Yahoo and MSN. We do not use “”link farms”” or “”black hat”” methods that Google and the other search engines frown upon and can use to de-list or ban your site. . Price is never a constraint with us because we take pride in handling challenging work.

    We would be happy to send you best fit proposal for web development and designing and if you have a SEO requirement we will send you a proposal using the top search phrases for your area of expertise.

    In order for us to respond to your request for information, please include your company’s website address (mandatory) and /or phone number.

    Jenny Carner
    SEO – Link Building – Copyright – Web Designing – PHP

  • Anonymous says:

    Any thoughts on the recent S1 filing by Masergy?

    Are they looking to be bought? Use the proceeds to acquire?

  • Anonymous says:

    Any thoughts on the recent filing for XO:

    he getting ready to swallow them up? also, where do things stand on their recap plan ?

  • Anonymous says:

    R2 Investments, LDC, a shareholder of XO Holdings, sent the following letter to the company’s Board of Directors today, demanding that they reject a takeover proposal from Carl Icahn that significantly undervalues the company and act in the best interest of minority shareholders.

    A full text of the letter follows:

    Dear Messrs. Knauss, First, and Gradin:

    It appears that Mr. Icahn is back at his old tricks and is again trying to destroy minority shareholder value. We sincerely hope that the courage you displayed last time was not part of a grand scheme to simply help bolster your claim that you are independent this time. If you do not find a way to say “NO” to Mr. Icahn once again, we are going to be forced to believe that this was all part of your original plan to hand the company over to Mr. Icahn and will challenge it as such. How interesting it would be if there was some plan hatched by you all whereby you really always intended to sell the company to Mr. Icahn but felt it would look better to say “NO” the first time to prove your theoretical independence. We will be looking for this smoking gun. We will not be fooled and neither will the Delaware and New York courts!

    As you know, R2 Investments, LDC is the beneficial owner of more than 15 million shares of XO Holdings, Inc.’s common stock, and has sent each of you numerous letters asking the “independent” directors to protect minority shareholders’ rights. Unfortunately, Mr. Icahn seems intent on continuing to trample these rights and has now offered to buy all the outstanding shares for an insulting $0.70 per share.

    For a moment, please humor us as we predict how the next few weeks might play out. The “independent” directors have likely already retained counsel and will negotiate with Mr. Icahn for an increased price. Mr. Icahn will “generously” increase his offer to $1.00 per share. The “independent” directors may trumpet their accomplishment and tout that they were able to increase Mr. Icahn’s offer by over 40%.

    There will be enough of an uproar from the minority shareholders that the new offer of $1.00 per share will likely be rejected. Mr. Icahn will once again “generously” increase his offer to $1.25 per share and will threaten to complete the deal around the minority shareholders, which they may or may not be able to legally prevent. Threatened by a squeeze-out and tired of fighting, minority shareholders may succumb. The Company might be his for $1.25 a share. Our goal is to make certain this never happens.

    The shameful aspect of all this is that you, as “independent” directors, could have prevented this unfortunate outcome. You passed up numerous opportunities to refinance the Icahn-owned credit facilities during perhaps the most attractive credit markets in history from 2004 to early 2008 and continue today to forego any refinancing options in an apparent attempt to ensure that the company has no options other than to look to Mr. Icahn for help every time it needs money.

    We were truly aghast when we learned that a few years ago one of the potential bidders valued its combined bid for the assets and the net operating losses at approximately $10 per share. The fact that the board rejected this offer in favor of the massively dilutive proposal from Mr. Icahn only causes us to question further the true independence of the “independent directors.” As you well know, this board dismissed proposals from FIVE different bidders that would have each likely garnered more value for the minority shareholders than anything Mr. Icahn is going to offer. It is overwhelmingly evident why Mr. Icahn has warned this board not to start a sale process as part of the steps that it would take to evaluate the fairness of his current offer – Mr. Icahn knows that by threatening to block any sale, there will simply be no other bidders. This is NOT the way to prove the value of this business. And we are certain the judges in Delaware and New York will agree with us.

    Please imagine Mr. Icahn’s reaction if he were a shareholder in a company that simply sold itself at a deeply discounted price to its majority shareholder through a sham auction. Needless to say, he would pull all of the tricks out of his typical playbook – calling for the resignation of all directors, pursuing legal remedies, public diatribes, etc.

    The only reason we can fathom that a director would allow Mr. Icahn to succeed in his continuing attempt to disenfranchise minority shareholders would be because of the relationships that the directors have with other entities controlled by Mr. Icahn. We did a cursory review of public information and found that the “independent” directors have numerous other connections with Mr. Icahn and his related entities:

    Mr. Knauss:

    * Current Director of WestPoint International – a company owned by Mr. Icahn’s entities
    * Past Chairman of the Board of Philip Services – a company owned by Mr. Icahn’s entities
    * Mr. Icahn’s director nominee in his proxy contest against VISX Technologies

    Mr. First:

    * Past Chief Financial Officer of Icahn Holding Corporation
    * Current Director of WestPoint International – a company owned by Mr. Icahn’s entities
    * Current Director of American Railcar Industries – a company owned by Mr. Icahn’s entities
    * Past Director of Philip Services – a company owned by Mr. Icahn’s entities
    * Past Director of American Property Investors – a company owned by Mr. Icahn’s entities
    * Past Director of GB Holdings – a company owned by Mr. Icahn’s entities
    * Past Director of Cadus Pharmaceuticals – a company owned by Mr. Icahn’s entities
    * Past Director of Marvel Entertainment – a company owned by Mr. Icahn’s entities
    * Past Director of PANACO – a company owned by Mr. Icahn’s entities
    * Trustee for Tropicana Atlantic City Corporation – an entity holding Mr. Icahn’s Atlantic City casino interests

    We firmly believe that you are making a mockery of the term “independent committee” and it will be the first thing we will be highlighting to a Delaware and New York judge. You are not independent! If you were any more closely tied to Mr. Icahn, you would be immediate family!

    Rest assured, we are going to do everything in our power to ensure that justice is served and that the rights of minority shareholders prevail. We intend to hold each of you personally liable to the maximum extent permitted by law for the numerous infractions you have committed in trampling the rights of minority shareholders should Mr. Icahn prevail.

    Very truly yours,


    SOURCE R2 Investments, LDC

  • Justin says:

    CBS And Netflix Announce Two-Year Licensing Agreement For Library Content

  • Anonymous says:

    HERNDON, VA–(Marketwire – 04/08/11) – On April 8, 2011, Carl J. Grivner resigned as Chief Executive Officer, President, and Director of XO Holdings, Inc. (the “Company”) (OTC.BB:XOHO – News). Mr. Grivner stated, “It has been an honor and privilege for me to work at XO for eight years. My decision to leave the company to pursue other opportunities is a personal and difficult one. I wish the Company and all of its dedicated employees all the best in the future.”

    Carl C. Icahn, the Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors and majority shareholder, stated, “We wish Carl the best in his future endeavors and thank him for his contributions to the Company. We are fortunate to have one of the deepest management teams and one of the strongest balance sheets in the telecommunications industry with approximately $1 billion in equity and no outstanding debt.”

    The Company’s Board of Directors is conducting an executive search to identify a new Chief Executive Officer and will consider both internal and external candidates. The Board of Directors has established an executive committee to oversee the Company’s operations until a permanent chief executive is selected. The executive committee will be comprised of Daniel J. Wagner, who will continue to lead XO’s Business Services unit, Ernest Ortega, who will continue to lead its Carrier Services unit, and Laura W. Thomas, the Company’s Chief Financial Officer, who will oversee all corporate functions and other business units. Mr. Grivner has agreed to assist the Company during this transition period.

  • Anonymous says:

    Verizon chooses Integra Telecom for their 4G network. Some 200 Cell site in Oregon and Washington.

  • Edgar Mosti says:

    I would like to share a Press release with Telecom Ramblings.



  • Mr. Poppers says:

    So much for shareholder lawsuits slowing this down!

    August 18, 2011 17:02 ET

    XO Holdings and ACF Industries Holding Corp. Announce Completion of Merger

    HERNDON, VA–(Marketwire – Aug 18, 2011) – XO Holdings, Inc. (“XO Holdings” or the “Company”) and ACF Industries Holding Corp., a Delaware corporation (“ACF”), today announced that as of 4:45 p.m. on August 18, 2011 (the “Effective Time”), they have completed the merger of the Company with XO Merger Corp. pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of July 11, 2011 (the “Merger Agreement”). The Merger Agreement provided for the merger (the “Merger”) of XO Merger Corp. (the “Merger Sub”) with and into the Company, with the Company being the surviving entity. XO Merger Corp. was a Delaware corporation owned by ACF Industries Holding Corp., a Delaware Corporation, and its affiliates (collectively, the “Parent Group”). Each member of the Parent Group and Merger Sub are affiliates of Carl C. Icahn, the Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors and, prior to completion of the merger, beneficial owner of approximately 91.76% of the combined voting power of the Company’s outstanding shares of capital stock consisting of his beneficial ownership of 113,410,769 shares of the 182,075,165 outstanding shares of the Company’s common stock, par value $0.01 (the “Company Common Stock”) and 100% of the outstanding shares of the Class B and Class C preferred stock.

    As a result of the Merger, the Company has become a privately held company; the Company Common Stock has ceased trading on the Over the Counter Bulletin Board (“OTCBB”) and will no longer be listed on the OTCBB or Pink Sheets. Each share of Company Common Stock issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time (other than (i) shares owned by the Parent Group or held in treasury, and (ii) shares in respect of which appraisal rights have been properly exercised under Delaware law) has been canceled and automatically converted into the right to receive $1.40 in cash without interest plus a non-transferable, uncertificated contract right to receive a pro rata share of certain proceeds received by Parent Group or its affiliates in certain circumstances if Parent Group or its affiliates should sell or agree to sell XO Holdings or its assets within one year of the date of execution of the Merger Agreement and such sale is consummated (the “Merger Consideration”).

    Stockholders who hold stock certificates will receive instructions and a letter of transmittal from American Stock Transfer and Trust Company, LLC, the paying agent, concerning how and where to forward their certificates for payment. For shares held in “street name” by a broker, bank or other nominee, shareholders will not need to take any action to have shares converted into cash, as this will be done by the broker, bank or other nominee. In addition, holders of options issued under the 2002 Stock Incentive Plan had the right to exercise their options up to the Effective Time. As the Company had no options outstanding with an exercise price below $4.80, the Company did not expect any options to be exercised. All unexercised options expired at the Effective Time.

  • Mr. Jones says:

    Anyone know what’s up with L3 leadership changes associated to forthcoming merger with GC?

  • Anon says:

    What’s up with CEO job at XO? Anyone?

    • enron_hubbard_is_missing says:

      I suspect if the real enron_hubbard was interested he’d say something like who really cares? XO is irrelevant at this point. Its been 5 months since they lost their last CEO, they are losing key people all the time, losing sales leaders regularly, losing other top talent – why? B/c with the exception of a few leaders most of the C level are inept. And very clearly the board doesn’t really care.

  • Anonymous says:

    Why is this board so quiet ?

  • Anonymous says:

    Cause XO went private.

  • Franky Doolittle says:

    when has that ever stopped those with opinions and connections inside from commenting?!?!?!?!

  • Rob Powell says:

    There is always an ebb and a flow to things. Right now I sense a lull overall – not just in comments here but in a general wariness across the sector.

  • Kim Cooper says:

    Just wondering if there is an inetrest for your company to come into a data center/colo hotel with over 21 Carriers here in Jacksonville Fl. Please check out our website and I thank you for your time.

  • Steve C says:

    No coverage on Zayo’s purchase of 360networks?

  • Carlk says:

    Robert, will you be taking a survey for how your current readership might be responsive to conversation forum pits, possibly by company names here on this blog, much like you had graciously suggested on another venue?

  • Carlk says:

    Some people like to place chess with phantoms in places that don’t exist or operate because they are inaccessible.

    Robert, are you ready to launch ‘’ yet?

    That nether world is falling apart!

  • Carlk says:

    Rob, speaking of phantoms, we have a new GHOUL by the name of Oppenheimer who has released some bought and paid for report circling the market for some time now, it seems, which is calling for a BROADBAND GLUT to last another ten years, not unlike the analyst Suria, who was correct before them.

    Do you have any insight into their MAGIC MATH formula tying supply/demand factors which proves this, or was it a trading tool to pick up dirt cheap stock from the company with sufficient pipes in the ground to control the supply of bandwidth for the next century at least?

  • Anonymous says:

    Rumor has it Dan Enright formerly EVP of Network at Global Crossing and now regional president at L3 has been fired or resigned yesterday. Anyone else hearing major changes at L3? If so post.

  • Anonymous says:

    It’s true. Email from Jeff Story went out yesterday but no SEC filing as of yet.

  • Anon says:

    um, i think L3 already has alot of network guys ?

  • Anonymous says:

    Rob – any thoughts on the Earthlinks earnings for 4th quarter before they are published? I am hearing they are going to have a nice quarter. What is surprising is that taken individually the companies such as CTC and Choice One were not doing well post integration. Whats so different about Earthlink than the combined One comm?

  • Fred T. says:

    Looks like XO’s changing its image. Interesting … i wonder if its the smoke before the fire?

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s an admirable idea, provided there are no ulterior motives. But whether XO is orange or purple, if they are truly – TRULY – desiring a superior customer experience, then they have the wrong people leading.

      Plus, isn’t this a giant admission that they were not so good before? That can’t make long time customers feel very good. Until they actually deliver, it’s still “just talk”.

  • Anony says:

    A dress on a pig is still a pig.

  • Anonymous says:

    ROB! Some articles went missing! Switching between pages 1 and 2, the dates jump dramatically. The dates go from April 23rd to April 12th. I noticed this first when the Verizon write up from last week was no longer available.

    • Thanks for the heads up, the cache got corrupted and page 2 was apparently not getting regenerated. And of course this had to happen while I was travelling – Murphy’s law being what it is. Should be fixed now.

  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks Rob

  • Anonymous says:

    Looks like Icahn and XO are stirring things up in anticipation for a sale forthcoming by generating some new buzz.

    “XO Communications announced Tuesday the launch of Concentric Cloud Solutions, the company’s new cloud-based virtualization, content acceleration, and interactive contact center solutions for businesses. The services are available through the indirect sales channel (see related story.)

    The services build on XO’s cloud services, which were rolled out under the XO brand early last year, beginning with the Enterprise Connect cloud communications service.

    The CLEC switched brands for its cloud rollout on the advice of consultants and brand managers, opting for the data-focused brand over the telecom brand. Concentric has a long history in the Web hosting space, beginning in 1995. It was acquired by Nextlink in 2000, and the two companies merged to become XO Communications, a subsidiary of XO Holdings Inc. In 2004, Concentric returned to the market as an XO Communications service. Today, Concentric operates as a business unit of XO. It uses some share resources, such as finance and HR, but has its own development and sales resources.

    “Selling CDN or contact-center applications is very different from selling traditional telecom,” said Peter Papavasilious, vice president of marketing for Concentric Cloud solutions, explaining the decision. He said that the effort requires dedicated sales teams for inside and outside sales as well as engineering support. These teams will work with XO direct sales teams to support their customers. Both teams are aligned and incented to work together, Papavasilious said. Similarly, Concentric Cloud will have its own indirect sales channel (see related story).

    Concentric Cloud Solutions leverages its own cloud-based technology as well as technology from partners including Limelight Networks, LiveOps and VCE plus the XO nationwide network.

    Concentric Cloud Computing Services include Enterprise Cloud on-demand computing and storage; managed dedicated servers; cloud storage; cloud-based data backup and shared hosting.The Concentric cloud computing infrastructure, which is based on the VCE Vblock platform using EMC SAN storage and Cisco-based networking technology, is deployed as multiple secure cloud infrastructures hosted in data centers located in Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Austin, and connected to the XO nationwide fiber network.

    Concentric Content Acceleration Services enable businesses to accelerate the delivery of digital media, online content, and mobile and Web-based applications. They use Limelight Networks’ technology deployed across the XO network to provide content caching, application acceleration, video streaming and content storage.

    Concentric Cloud Contact Center Services facilitate inbound and outbound communications for customer contact center needs. These services include cloud-based ACD for 25-400 agents; interactive vice response, intelligent call routing, conferencing, and Concentric Connect, which enables businesses to deliver web-based voice, SMS and email notifications to mass audiences including employees, customers and partners.”

  • Xo imploding says:

    Watch Icahn spin this part of the company off for yet another write off and to steal what little customers he has left from Xo when he sells.

  • Anonymous says:

    Rob are you going do a write-up with your thoughts on Windstream? They’re stock dropped about 10%, looks like this was due to the billing practices that PAETEC had with switched access.

    • CarlK says:

      He seemed to miss Century Link’s report also. There are so many companies and data to field globally for a one man shop! Rob, you might want to “hire” an analyst or two, to add more “color” to your universe. 🙂

  • Justin says:

    Rahm’s broadband plan draws lots of interest
    November 28, 2012

    Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s plan to position Chicago for the digital age has received a warm reception from telecom providers, with more than a score of companies, including industry leaders, seriously kicking tires on the idea of providing ultra-high-speed broadband and expanded free Wi-Fi service here.

    According to the city, 24 companies responded by last week’s deadline and put in a preliminary pitch detailing their thoughts in a process technically known as a Request for Information. Included among RFI responders were industry giants such as Cisco, Alcatel, AT&T, Verizon, Level 3 and Motorola Solutions, as well as smaller local-based groups like the Center for Neighborhood Technology, the Chicago Computer Society and Network of Woodlawn.

    The city is releasing few details of what those firms ran up the electronic flag pole, saying that the firms proposed everything from using city light poles to hang fiber optic cable to expediting the permitting process. But officials say they’re quite content with the big turnout — and with the quality of the responses.

    The idea behind what the mayor calls his Broadband Initiative is that Chicago will grow in the 21st century if it keeps its communication networks in world-caliber shape, much like it depended on a top transportation network of roads, railroads and airports in the last century.

    The city specifically is dangling the possibility of leveraging its own assets — space in CTA tunnels and alongside sewer lines, for instance — to those who can install gigabit-speed broadband, make it affordable in underserved areas and establish free Wi-Fi in parks and public spaces.

    Officials are pushing gigabit service in neighborhoods in and around the central area and near academic centers where researchers need extremely fast Wi-Fi speeds. Included are the former Michael Reese Hospital site, Bucktown and Wicker Park, the Ravenswood Industrial Corridor and the McCormick Place neighborhood, as well as areas near the University of Illinois at Chicago, the University of Chicago, the Chicago Medical Center, the Illinois Institute of Technology and the South Loop, which is home to Columbia College and Roosevelt University.

    The initiative already has netted one prize: an agreement in which free Wi-Fi is offered throughout Millenium Park downtown.

    The city is likely to formally advertise for bidders sometime soon. But, according to a spokesman, it’s also keeping other options open, such as forming a team to review various proposals and come up with a favorite.

  • Who cares says says:

    EarthLink last week laid off a reported 495 people, including some sales engineers, according to social media posts.

    The Atlanta-based company late Monday confirmed that job cuts took place, but did not say how many. EarthLink said it would provide only the following statement:

    “To further accelerate EarthLink’s transformation to an IT services provider, we are modifying our direct sales model somewhat,” Michele Sadwick, EarthLink’s vice president of strategic marketing, said in an email. “This resulted in reductions in our direct sales force but had no impact on our channel partner program. In fact, the channel partner program remains strategic to EarthLink’s future growth and we plan to continue to invest in the channel.”

    Brian Washburn, research director of network services for Current Analysis, said the losses likely affected EarthLink’s small business units – the legacy One Communications and ITC^DeltaCom groups – as well as staff on the consumer side. EarthLink wants to target enterprise and multilocation users; it has been moving away from integrated T1 customers for months, Washburn said.

    The news appears to be a boon for partners. Many have argued over the years that carriers spend too much money on direct sales forces and would save overhead – and thereby earn more profit – by relying on indirect partners for revenue. Unlike direct salespeople who are paid salaries and benefits, agents and VARs pay for their own expenses, such as health insurance and office space, and are only paid on performance. Fewer direct salespeople also reduces the channel conflict with indirect sales agents.

    “I think that, overall, EarthLink is going back to the New Edge Networks days – very friendly to the channel and going to continue to be very friendly to channel sales,” Washburn said.

  • tw telecom Wins $550 Million GSA Award says:

    tw telecom Wins $550 Million GSA Award
    By Rich Smith | More Articles

    Littleton, Colo.-based tw telecom (NASDAQ: TWTC ) has won the right to participate in a four year contract to provide voice, data, and Internet services to Federal agencies and organizations in the southeast U.S., the company announced Thursday.

    The contract, worth up to $550 million initially, includes the possibility of being extended for two additional, successive three-year terms — 10 years in all — and begins on April 1, 2013. The particular type of contract involved is known as an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ), fixed price with an economic price adjustment (EPA) multiple-award contract.

    The significance of this is that, while tw telecom has technically “won” this contract, its prize is simply admission to a set of companies, which now have the right to bid on and win further contracts under the umbrella of the original contract awarded today. In other words — failure to win the several GSA contracts awarded under this one would mean tw telecom gets no revenue at all from today’s win.

    Investors, however, took the view that “it’s an honor just to be nominated,” bidding up tw telecom shares 1.1% in Thursday trading, to close the day at $25.01.

  • Anonymous says:

    Tier 2 data center provider QTS just filed for an IPO, curious your thoughts Rob:

  • Anonymous says:

    Level 3 Communications is cutting 6.5 percent of its global workforce, or roughly 700 jobs, as the Broomfield-based Internet network operator works to trim costs and reach profitability for the first time in its 15 years as a publicly traded company.

    The reduction in force will include about 150 positions in Colorado, where Level 3 employs 2,700. The company employs 10,600 worldwide.

    “As our business continues to evolve, Level 3 is focused on aligning our resources to maintain a differentiated customer experience, while also driving profitable growth,” a Level 3 spokeswoman said in a statement. “Streamlining our business operations to efficiently and effectively respond to the complex demands of the enterprise market and other core aspects of our business is critical to achieving our long-term objectives.”

    In April, the company promoted chief operating officer Jeff Storey to succeed longtime leader Jim Crowe as CEO.

    Storey said in an interview this month that he’s focused on making Level 3 more efficient. He eliminated a top-ranking executive position previously held by Buddy Miller, who handled mergers and acquisitions under Crowe. Storey has also combined corporate functions, such as communications and investor relations.

    “We have looked at areas where we felt we’ve had too many resources, and we reduced those,” Storey said.

    Late last year, the company cut about 400 jobs while integrating its merger with Global Crossing.

  • ABC says:

    They can’t reach profitability via revenue growth so in standard LVLT fashion why not hurt more lives and just start axing people instead. Granted, it is pretty obvious there has been WAY too many overpaid, underperforming employees there over the years. Do you think they all will get big severances and cut into FCF?

  • Ongeh C. says:

    Hello There,

    Have a good day!

    Me’s Ongeh,

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    Ongeh C.

  • Anonymous says:

    Check out new ipc CEO!

  • Brian Boru says:


    Would you (or anyone else reading this) be able to recommend an article that lays out the existing broadband telecommunications structure in terms of utilized and unutilized capacity, ownership, residential vs enterprise, etc. I am looking for a thorough but simple analysis and was hoping someone might be able to point me to such an article. TIA


  • Anonymous says:

    IPC new CEO is Neil Barua. Exciting news.

  • Matt Henley says:


    My name is Matt Henley and I am a marketing consultant based in Los Angeles. I am trying to reach out to the person that handles the marketing decisions for your company.

    I’d like to offer a free marketing audit and discuss the results and my analysis with you. I’ll be able to give you insight into site’s performance, organic search visibility, adwords advice and answer any other marketing questions you might have to help you better understand your past, present and future marketing efforts. This information is absolutely free and requires zero obligation.

    The companies we work with have benefited from these sorts of insights regardless of whether they work with or without us. Do you have time this week to hop on a call? I’d love to have the opportunity to show you guys some ways you can better and more efficiently grow your business. I look forward to hearing from you.


    Matt Henley

  • Anonymous says:

    Broadens Managed Security Portfolio with Next-generation
    Advanced Persistent Threat Management and Adaptive Network Behavioral Analysis

    DALLAS – April 8, 2014 – Masergy Communications Inc., a global leader in managed networking and cloud services, today announced the company has acquired Global DataGuard, Inc. The acquisition enhances Masergy’s existing portfolio of managed services with patented technology that leverages machine learning and expert human intelligence.

    “In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, discrete signature or rule-based security solutions alone are not adequate from a risk management perspective. And as seen in recent news, even when businesses invest in advanced security solutions, the lack of systematic sharing and correlation of subsystem data and vigilant 24/7 monitoring leaves them exposed to advanced threats,” said Masergy’s CEO Chris MacFarland.

    “Cyber attacks are only going to become more intense and sophisticated – it’s a new battlefield. The acquisition of Global DataGuard uniquely positions Masergy to deliver solutions engineered to address these advanced persistent threats.”

    Masergy’s Security as a Service suite now includes comprehensive enterprise security solutions with Unified Enterprise Security™ and Professional Services.

    Unified Enterprise Security™ leverages a fully-integrated system architecture designed to support cloud, premise, and hybrid IT environments. The 100% passive modular solution overlays, complements, and unifies a business’s existing security investment with:

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    Security Threat Intelligence Dashboard
    Security Information and Event Management
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    Managed Firewall and Intelligent Internet Management
    Masergy’s suite of Professional Services includes comprehensive security audits, forensic audits, compliance testing, penetration testing, vulnerability assessments and risk management.

    “This transaction is a win for both our customers and our employees. Masergy’s focus on ongoing innovation and its commitment to delivering a superior client experience is completely consistent with our core operating tenants,” said Global DataGuard’s CEO, Scott Paly. “Together, we will accelerate our rate of innovation and service leadership in cyber security.”

    For more information please visit

    About Masergy

    Masergy owns and operates the largest independent global cloud networking platform for enterprises. Our managed solutions with fully integrated real-time analytics, global unified communications as a service (UCaaS), security as a service and software defined network control help businesses compete in the global marketplace. Masergy’s patented technology, customizable solutions and unmatched customer experience are why a growing number of global enterprises rely on Masergy to deliver performance beyond expectations. For more information about Masergy visit or follow us on Twitter @Masergy, Blog, LinkedIn and Facebook.

    For Inquiries, please contact:

    Scott L. Bender
    Masergy Communications, Inc.
    +1 214-442-5692

    Betsey Rogers
    BridgeView Marketing
    +1 603-886-7087

  • Robert Grutza says:

    Level 3 accuses five unnamed US ISPs of abusing their market power in peering

  • Grant Lewis says:

    Was anyone as surprised as I was with respect to the EarthLink discussion during its analyst call today on exiting pieces of the Cloud business? Didn’t this company work so hard over the last few years to acquire assets and capabilities to create a more compelling portfolio? Did the current CEO just essentially undo that prior strategy? narrowly focusing on network cloud services essentiallys means exiting the managed end point and unified end point management capabilities that CB brought to the table? why would they do that? thoughts?

  • anonymous says:

    Moving focus from one market to another abruptly is a dangerous ploy. The “cloud” business is little more than a popular buzzword at this point, and there are many me-too players crowding the field. Earthlink’s relatively small size probably lulled the leaders into thinking a shift could easily be engineered and would be immediately successful: More like a fantasy in a company that neglected its core business by not building competitive access in its local markets. Many markets still relied on TDM access, DS3’s, etc. My grandson could have warned them that is was foolish in the extreme.

  • Ashita Patel says:


    I came across your website and really enjoyed reading through it. I wanted to see if you were open to guest contributions? I currently work for and we’re looking to contribute to websites and blogs that write about green living/home improvement.

    Here are a couple examples of recent articles our writers have written:

    Pros and cons of Solar Energy
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    Let me know if you have a topic in mind and we can get started right away.




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  • Kevin Jones says:


    Just following up on the email I sent a few weeks ago about contributing to your website. We’re a new home improvement website hoping to expand our audience. I really enjoyed reading through your site and think we can provide compelling content for your readers. Here are a couple examples of articles our writers have written:
    Let me know if you’re interested and we can get started right away!



  • Tim Dawson says:

    when I click on the metro maps for Oregon it only shows California

  • Anonymous says:

    Rob, some big moves over at Windstream last week. Wanted to gain your perspective

  • bellairs says:

    Nothing about Gardner getting the boot at Windstream?

    • Anonymous says:

      That change is all about the pressure the company is facing with a decline in stock, increase in pressure on continuing to pay a dividend and or not and the unclear future of the REIT and the value it will ultimately play. I like Mr. Gardner and respect him but this was going to happen sooner or later. Same thing that occurred at EarthLink only on a smaller scale.

  • kevin jones says:


    I came across your website and really enjoyed reading through it. I wanted to see if you were open to guest contributions? I currently work for and we’re looking to contribute to websites and blogs that write about home improvement & home decor.

    Here are a couple examples of recent articles our writers have written:

    Let me know if you have a topic in mind and we can get started right away.



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    It’s a fun and easily digestible comic that spreads the word about Grace’s awesomeness.

    The aim is to inspire more young women to pursue careers in Computer Science and I think it would be a great fit for your audience.

    Let me know what you think.

    Ramya (at) udemy (dot) com


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    I work at – we create innovative marketing videos that fit your price points. No more endless pages of boring web content – replace all that with a play button, and give your clients a perfect sales pitch, every time. Our videos are proven to drive sales growth, and keep clients on your web page long enough to explain your business to them. Check us out at! Have a wonderful day!


  • Grant Lewis says:

    ATLANTA, April 2, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — EarthLink Holdings Corp. (NASDAQ: ELNK) today announced that it has appointed Gerard Brossard to the position of Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Managed Services and Information Technology. Prior to joining EarthLink, Mr. Brossard served as Senior Vice President, Global Head of Business Planning and Operations at Visa Inc. since 2014. From 2013 to 2014, he served in a variety of advisory and consultative roles at several technology companies, including EarthLink. From 2000 to 2012, Mr. Brossard served in various executive positions with Hewlett-Packard Company, most recently as General Manager of its Rich Media Management Solutions division. EarthLink’s Executive Vice President, Managed Services, Michael D. Toplisek, will leave the company following a transition period.

    EarthLink Logo
    EarthLink also announced that Bradley A. Ferguson, EarthLink’s previous Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, will now assume an operating role and serve as its Executive Vice President and Managing Director, Small Business and Consumer. He will also lead the company’s corporate development function.

    The company also announced that Louis M. Alterman will succeed Mr. Ferguson in the position of Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer of EarthLink. Mr. Alterman has served the company in a variety of financial roles since 2003. Most recently he has served as Executive Vice President, Strategy, Operations and Transformation and from August 2012 to September 2014, he served as Senior Vice President, Finance and Treasurer.

    Joseph F. Eazor, Chief Executive Officer and President commented, “Mike Toplisek has been a great asset to EarthLink. We are very grateful to him for his dedicated service to EarthLink and we will miss his talent and enthusiasm.” Mr. Eazor added, “Gerard Brossard is a fantastic addition to our management team and Louis and Brad are ideally experienced for their new positions. I look forward to working with them in their new roles as we continue with our strategy to be a leading managed network, security, and cloud service provider. And while I will have much more information to share on our earnings call in early May, I am pleased with how our first quarter results are demonstrating our continuing progress in executing this strategy.”

  • Wowzer Padowza its EDS all over Again says:

    Dear EarthLinkers,

    As we have discussed during the recent town halls and roadshows, our Strategy is clear and our 2015 Corporate Priorities are in support of that strategy. I have challenged our leadership to achieve our Financial and Operational targets within the Business Unit (BU) framework, and to create additional momentum around growth. I am coming to you today to announce changes in the executive team designed to accelerate this process.

    To fully achieve the strategic transformation necessary for success, we are creating a new leadership role designed to focus and refine our efforts in two key areas of the company. I’m pleased to announce that effective April 6th, Gerard Brossard will join EarthLink as EVP & Managing Director, Managed Services & IT. Gerard has tremendous market and operating experience, primarily at HP, where he led the EDS/HP integration and subsequent transformation of EDS, and served as the head of operations for HP’s software business and general manager of the rich media management solutions business. I am confident that in addition to being an effective catalyst of change, Gerard’s blend of analytical and strategic thinking will work well here at EarthLink.

    Brian Fink, Chief Technology Officer, will continue to report to me, devoting his time to driving the technology strategy and long term roadmap for the future. Brian’s existing team will report to Gerard on a go-forward basis.

    Mike Toplisek, who led the transition to and startup of the Managed Services BU, will leave the organization effective May 1st. Mike’s energy, efforts, and optimism have been invaluable in propelling the Managed Services BU to its current success. Additionally, Mike led significant improvement in our sales motion since he joined EarthLink. Mike’s efforts over the past several years have made our company better and stronger. We wish him the very best as he takes the next step in his career.

    Brad Ferguson, currently our Chief Financial Officer, will move to the position of EVP and Managing Director, Consumer and Small Business. Brad will help ensure we share best practices and gain leverage across the Small Business and Consumer BUs, as well as to drive our M&A strategy. Mike Flannery, SVP and Managing Director Small Business, and Jen Spindel, VP and Managing Director Consumer, will continue as BU leaders, reporting to Brad, and their respective teams will remain intact.

    Louis Alterman, EVP Strategy, Transformation and Operations will become EarthLink’s Chief Financial Officer. Louis has extensive strategic and finance experience, with a wide range of roles across FP&A, Business Unit Finance, Operational finance, Internal Audit, Treasury, Investor Relations and other functions. Louis most recently drove the development of our strategy and move to Business Units, and I’m confident he will build on the strong foundation that Brad and team have created.

    To fully enable a cross-functional go-to-market strategy, I have also asked Rick Froehlich, currently EVP Product and Consumer, to take on the new role of Chief Commercial Officer at EarthLink. In this capacity, he will be responsible for all corporate-level growth activities: Product Development and Management, Marketing, Sales Operations and Enablement. In this role, Rick will ensure we are optimizing efforts across BUs, deploying consistent processes, and utilizing common systems. Rick’s current product team remains intact and Alexandra Gobbi, SVP Corporate Marketing, and her team will report to Rick as well.

    After playing a critical role in improving our service delivery and customer care functions, Stacie Hagan, EVP Customer Operations, has decided to leave the company effective April 17th. As anyone who knows her can attest, Stacie’s contributions in HR, Service Delivery and Customer Care and as a strong member of the senior executive team over the past 12 years have been impressive and wide-ranging in their impact. She has played an important role in setting up our current strategy, and will move forward with our thanks and admiration.

    Going forward, I am pleased to announce Elizabeth Orth will be promoted to the role of SVP, Chief Customer Officer and will continue her team’s excellent work to ensure our customers remain at the center of our business. She and her team will report to Rick Froehlich in this capacity. The Service Delivery function will remain intact under the leadership of John Dobbins, EVP Network Services. John and the leadership team will work to continue the good work that is already underway, while developing a plan to move direct support into the BUs in a timely and appropriate manner.

    My other direct reports and their respective teams remain in place.

    Change is an unwavering, necessary constant at EarthLink, and a hallmark of progress on our journey to become a premier Network Managed Services provider. It’s important to point out that the changes we announced today are entirely consistent with the strategy we have previously discussed, and serve to accelerate our progress down that same path. Please join me in welcoming Gerard to the organization, while congratulating Brad, Louis, Brian, Elizabeth, and Rick on their new roles, and giving heartfelt thanks to Stacie and Mike for all they have done to make EarthLink the successful and vibrant company it is today.

  • Anonymous says:

    So Fink gets stripped of almost all of his responsibility. Thats a exec on the way out. I am sure Fuqua will be shot on site with Gerard coming in … though Gerard may not know what to do with him b/c Gerard has no experience in IT.

    Honestly, the two that win here are Stacy and Toplisek. They both walk away with oodles of cash. And don’t have to rationalize the ridiculous decisions any longer that Joe seems to be making b/c he’s totally inept as an operator.

  • Anonymous says:

    I find it interesting that Rob hasn’t even spoken about the major leadership changes at EarthLink. Obviously he must think EarthLink is totally irrelevant to have not reported on it since its apparently no big deal that their CFO was replaced, their CRO was replaced and the woman who ran SD and customer operations and who had been the CPO for 10+ years was forced out, the former CTO/CIO was stripped of his CIO function and now has a team of one focusing on the CTO role. Odd. but it must be that irrelevant.

  • Adam Cohen says:

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  • GCN says:

    Interesting. I don’t see FairPoint spoken about much but they are on the chopping block. I think the obvious consolidator is Frontier?

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  • Barak Norton says:

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  • My name is Christine, and I run a very experienced web design and development company located in Israel. I wanted to see if you are interested in partnering with our company, where we would do the back-end work while you will still deal with your clients – our rates are reasonable, certainly cheaper than you hiring in house or local programmers and graphic artists. We have extensive experience with complicated development, including wordpress CMS, e-commerce websites with management systems, IOS and Android app development, and Java based tools.

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  • Anonymous says:

    Bizarre and outrageous move from Colt last month, they slipped a one-off “regulatory” fee into the bill of about 10% of ARC with no explanation. When pressed, they said it was to cover the €11M of investments they had made over the past 4 years to comply with European regulatory law and cited a clause in the contract they feel gives them the right to charge for it. (It doesn’t.)

    It’s nonsense and we won’t pay it – this is a cost of their doing business. But I wonder how many customers will just not notice or let it go through? And can we charge Colt for our regulatory compliance costs in the services we provide to them?

  • schmuckinsurance says:

    dressing themselves up for a sale with come cheap lipstick….

  • Biju Narjary says:

    I have come to know through some reliable sources that BHEL is looking land around 800 Bighas in Assam for Solar Power generation. If it is a true information then please let me know that I may offer my land at appropriate rate as per in the area. My contact Number is + 91 8486971626, other email., Thank’s

  • Grant Lewis says:

    Onvoy to Purchase ANZ Communications, LLC, the Parent Company of ANPI

    MINNEAPOLIS, MN – June 14, 2016

    Onvoy, LLC, a fast-growing leader in Communications Infrastructure Enablement, announced the signing of a definitive agreement to purchase ANPI, a leading provider of solutions to Rural Local Exchange Carriers (RLECs). These solutions include Long Distance, Tandem, SS7, Voice Application Peering (VAP) and Hosted End Office via Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS).

    The combined Onvoy and ANPI traffic volume, to and from rural markets, justifies the network expansion required to deliver a communication infrastructure which will empower RLECs with innovative, high-quality, low-cost solutions. These solutions are available via portals and fully automated REST APIs. Additionally, other carriers and service providers benefit from the increased termination reach and the resulting positive impact on rural call completion.

    “Onvoy began by serving RLECs and remains committed to this customer base,” said Fritz Hendricks, Onvoy CEO. “We witnessed the RLECs adapt to industry changes with resolve and unwavering commitment to service quality. Their commitment to quality positions them for growth within and outside of their traditional markets. We want to provide the communication infrastructure and solutions to enable their expansion.”

    Bruce Hicks, ANZ Communications, LLC Board chair, expressed enthusiasm for the transaction and Onvoy’s vision observing, “Since 1996 we have been a leader in serving rural America, with long distance services at the outset and an increasingly diverse array of products and services as our RLEC customers have continually sought to expand their offerings to end users. Joining forces with Onvoy now presents us with the opportunity to continue our mission of the past 20 years, while expanding our capabilities both in terms of services and reach.”

    Q Advisors, a leading global TMT investment banking boutique, acted as exclusive financial advisor to ANZ in connection with the transaction.

  • Grant Lewis says:

    Rob – surprised no news on your web site about Rackspace going private.

    • Rob Powell says:

      Yeah, I left early on Friday to deliver my eldest to university. Came back today to find that had come down just as I hit the road. I’ll have something on it shortly.

  • First light says:

    FirstLight Fiber (“FirstLight”), a leading fiber-optic bandwidth infrastructure services provider operating in New York and Northern New England, announced today that Oak Hill Capital Partners (“Oak Hill”) has completed the acquisition of FirstLight. Oak Hill acquired the company from private equity owner Riverside Partners (“Riverside”), which is also investing in the deal and will continue as a minority investor in FirstLight. Financial terms of the completed transaction were not disclosed.

  • stephen sabo says:

    What does it cost for my company to advertise on your front webpage? How many email subscribers do you have?

    Thank you


  • Anuj Agarwal says:

    Hi Telecom Ramblings Team,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Telecom Ramblings has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 50 Telecom Blogs on the web.

    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 50 Telecom Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


  • Designer Nik says:


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  • Anonymous says:

    Looks like Midwest Fiber has published a network map.

  • Dae Yu says:

    i haven’t stopped by the site in a really, really long time. so wanted to do a friendly ‘hi’ before leaving.

    long gone are the days when a new acquisition by LVLT was announced!

    looks as if just like fiber buried deep, you’ll still cranking away sending data across the lines, keeping at it 🙂

  • Mel says:


    This is Melynda and I am a qualified photographer.

    I was baffled, mildly speaking, when I saw my images at your website. If you use a copyrighted image without an owner’s license, you must know that you could be sued by the copyright owner.

    It’s not legal to use stolen images and it’s so selfish!

    Take a look at this document with the links to my images you used at and my earlier publications to get the evidence of my ownership.

    Download it now and check this out for yourself:

    If you don’t delete the images mentioned in the file above within the next couple of days, I’ll file a complaint on you to your hosting provider letting them know that my copyrights have been severely infringed and I am trying to protect my intellectual property.

    And if it is not enough, for damn sure I am going to take it to court! And you won’t receive the second notice from me.

  • Quoi Anon says:

    The email above is phishing ^. Don’t click the link

  • Mel says:

    Hi there!

    This is Melane and I am a professional illustrator.

    I was puzzled, to put it nicely, when I found my images at your website. If you use a copyrighted image without an owner’s approval, you should know that you could be sued by the owner.

    It’s unlawful to use stolen images and it’s so wicked!

    Check out this document with the links to my images you used at and my earlier publications to get the evidence of my legal copyrights.

    Download it right now and check this out for yourself:

    If you don’t get rid of the images mentioned in the document above during the next several days, I’ll file a complaint against you to your hosting provider letting them know that my copyrights have been severely infringed and I am trying to protect my intellectual property.

    And if it doesn’t work, you may be pretty damn sure I am going to take it to court! And you won’t receive the second notice from me.

  • peterson says:

    There i am looking buy a paid post on your websites so please let me know your price per post
    Thank you

  • Anonymous says:

    See the news on 11-17-2021 announcing the launch of BRIGHTSPEED

  • TMT Analyst says:

    American Tower offloads property assets in Australia and New Zealand

  • Anonymous says:

    GPON vs DIA: Which Fibre service is right for you?

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