Regional Bytes: Uniti, Dobson, Ziply, Telia, Switch, NJFX, Eastlink

October 26th, 2021

Five regional expansion projects in five markets across the US worth noting from the start of this week alone: [Read more →]

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Industry Spotlight: VoltDB CEO David Flower on the 5G Opportunity

October 25th, 2021

Underneath just about any next generation infrastructure technology there is a database somewhere.  But with the rise of 5G, IoT, edge computing, and real time decision making, it’s not the giant centralized databases that are necessarily right for the job.  With its integrated data platform, VoltDB has taken a new approach to enabling scalable, low latency, real time decision making for service providers looking to develop services in this new world.  With us today to talk about VoltDB’s technology and why 5G could be a huge opportunity is CEO David Flower. [Read more →]

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Friday Bytes: DataBank, Summit, Windstream, Comcast Business

October 22nd, 2021

To finish off the week here is a collection of metro and regional infrastructure news: [Read more →]

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What if Dinosaurs had AI?

October 22nd, 2021

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Amir Kotler, CEO of Veego

It’s a misnomer that dinosaurs did not adapt and as such did not evolve to be more intelligent. They did! Well not all dinosaurs. [Read more →]

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Zayo, Others Eye Purchase of Windstream, Uniti?

October 21st, 2021

That’s what the WSJ said yesterday. Supposedly the talks for such a deal started back in June, but that the parties have been unable to agree on a price tag — which you may have notice is usually a point of contention when making deals. But does this move make really make sense? [Read more →]


Int’l Bytes: EXA, Telxius, HGC, Orange Buinsess, BSO

October 20th, 2021

This week has had a bumper crop of interesting items from the international communications marketplace.  Here is another set of quick takes: [Read more →]

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Euro Bytes: RETN, GTT, Telxius, Telefonia, Fortinet

October 19th, 2021

Four interesting bits of network news from across the pond: [Read more →]

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Industry Spotlight: NFINIT CEO Phil Kenney on Enterprise Cloud Migration

October 18th, 2021

The ongoing migration of enterprise IT to the cloud is driving a great deal of investment these days, and by most measures it’s just getting started.  Many types of service providers are looking to ride that wave.  One such business is San Diego-based NFINIT, which has been expanding both its range of services and its geographical reach over the last several years.  With us today to talk about NFINIT’s approach to the enterprise marketplace is CEO Phil Kenney.  Phil just joined NFINIT in January of this year. [Read more →]

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Friday Bytes: Infinera, Telstra, STACK, DE-CIX, Digital Realty, Comcast Business

October 15th, 2021

This week has been rich in infrastructure news that I didn’t get to, so let’s catch up a bit: [Read more →]

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Optimization – The Missing O in Open RAN

October 15th, 2021

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Eric Dowek, Segment Marketing Director at AccelerComm

The Open RAN movement has generated considerable interest from across the 5G market, promising to bring significant benefits to the mobile operator and vendor ecosystems. The opportunity is significant, with analysts such as Omdia predicting Open RAN will be [Read more →]

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Tilson Tackles a Turnpike

October 14th, 2021

A project we heard about earlier this year in our Industry Spotlight article with Tilson’s Josh Broder has come further into the sunlight. Last year, the PTC awarded a 25-year contract to Plenary Broadband Infrastructure to develop network infrastructure along the transportation artery. Construction on that project is now underway, with Tilson’s asset-owning affiliate Tilson Infrastructure taking on the task of operating and commercializing the asset. [Read more →]

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Vantage Takes On South Africa

October 14th, 2021

Vantage Data Centers has plans for an expansion into some new territory. The hyperscale data center provider says it has begun construction on a new campus in Johannesburg, South Africa.  It’s not a minor buildout either. The company has a total investment of $1B in mind. [Read more →]

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Industry Spotlight: Horizon CEO Jim Capuano on Fiber, M&A, and FTTH

October 13th, 2021

Regional network operators still remain largely below the radar in many areas, but they are getting more and more attention from investors. Part of that is because of their potential for the FTTH build outs that the financial community is finding increasingly interesting. One such operator is Horizon, which has been putting substantial effort behind FTTH buildouts adjacent to its regional footprint in and around Ohio. With us today is the company’s CEO, Jim Capuano, who joined the company last summer, to talk about just what the company is up to and why. [Read more →]

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Int’l Bytes: NJFX, UPIX, EQT, Adamo, Edge Centres, Zella DC, Juniper, Paltel

October 12th, 2021

Five bits of infrastructure news covering five very different international markets – three expansions, an upgrade, and an M&A: [Read more →]

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Bulk, WFN Unveil Leif Erikson Subsea Plans

October 11th, 2021

Bulk Infrastructure has announced a new transatlantic cable project in the North Atlantic.  They have tapped WFN Strategies to commence a feasibility study for the new cable system.  And by north, they do mean north. [Read more →]

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NEC to Build Transatlantic Cable for Facebook

October 11th, 2021

The seabed of the Atlantic Ocean looks like it will have another big cable system installed sometime in the next few years.  NEC says it has been contracted by Facebook to build the new cable system between the US and Europe, although the details of where this cable will actually land on either end was not mentioned. [Read more →]

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A Disruptive Manifesto in a Modest Proposal’s Clothing: Measuring Quality Delivered

October 11th, 2021

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Magnus Olden, CTO at Domos

When Domos CTO Magnus Olden took the stage at the Broadband Forum a while back he knew his talk wasn’t going to sit well with many in the room – career telecom folks used to talking about bandwidth and broadband in common terms – namely the all encompassing Mbps measure. After all, and for going on decades, everyone from FTTH teams to the folks in finance have made that the very basis of their business cases for expanding networks, building out fiber infrastructure and upselling consumer connectivity tiers to consumers. In an industry where speaking truth to power can result in so many thrown tomatoes, gongs or worse, Olden’s gambit didn’t come without its risks.

Here’s his story. [

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Friday Bytes: STT GDC, Colt, Ciena, Nokia, Espanix, American Tower

October 8th, 2021

An organic expansion, two vendor wins, and a data center M&A: [Read more →]

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The Post-Pandemic Data Center: Trends to Watch

October 8th, 2021

This sponsored thought leadership article was authored by Sean Baillie, Executive Vice President, Connectivity Strategy at QTS Realty Trust

While the unprecedented global pandemic has paused our lives for more than a year and a half now, it has not slowed the massive digitization of data, often referred to as digital transformation, that is now a primary challenge as businesses evolve their digital strategies. [Read more →]

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Comcast Business Takes Aim at Philly, NJ

October 7th, 2021

In some metro fiber news, Comcast Business unveiled plans to spend a significant amount of resources in my own backyard. And when I say these are in my backyard, I mean they might actually have to dig in my backyard. The cable MSO’s business connectivity division will be spending a total of $26M to expand its fiber footprint in Philadelphia and New Jersey over the next two years. [Read more →]

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Wednesday Roundup: Kao Data, Comcast Business, Lumen, Telstra

October 6th, 2021

A few expansion plans and customer wins from around the marketplace at midweek to note: [Read more →]

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DataBank Plans New York Expansion

October 6th, 2021

DataBank has some major expansion plans for the New York City metro area. Yesterday the national data center operator revealed the acquisition of 34 acres of land on which it plans to build a new colocation campus. [Read more →]

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