Industry Spotlight: Building Out With Sitetracker CEO Giuseppe Incitti

May 23rd, 2022

As the infrastructure world continues to ramp up its buildout at the edge and into the last mile in support of 5G and other new technologies, the problems of scale just get harder.  More sites, more truck rolls, more supply chains, and more subcontractors spread thinly across wide geographies require their own digital transformation to manage.  Sitetracker is one of those next generation cloud software providers looking to take on that challenge.  With us today to talk about the company’s approach is CEO Giuseppe Incitti. [Read more →]

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Friday Bytes: Aligned, VIAVI, Open Fiber, GI Partners, Lincoln Rackhouse

May 20th, 2022

Three bits of data center news and one item from FTTH to catch up with: [Read more →]

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How to Profit from Your 5G Telecom Investment

May 20th, 2022

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Mark Bunn, SVP, SaaS Business Operations at Nokia

In recent years, software has been disaggregating from hardware through Network Functions Virtualization and subsequently into cloud micro-services with the deployment of 5G. This steady evolution of network appliances to software running on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware sets the stage for a different business environment. While the industry still depends on location-centric hardware for communications services, software is approaching a state where [Read more →]

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DC BLOX Buys Some Fiber

May 19th, 2022

Yesterday saw some interesting fiber M&A from an unexpected source. The data center provider DC BLOX has announced the acquisition of a set of fiber assets from Light Source Communications and Ascendant Capital Fiber. The assets will complement the company’s buildout of its new Cable Landing Station in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. [Read more →]

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Wednesday Bytes: DataBank, Stream DC, Clearfield, Peerless

May 18th, 2022

Two data center items, one fiberoptic vendor M&A, and some UCaaS: [Read more →]

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Tuesday Bytes: EXA, Hawaiki, Ciena, Vonage

May 17th, 2022

A couple items of subsea news, a vendor win, and some healthcare video. [Read more →]

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11:11 Makes Two More Inorganic Moves

May 17th, 2022

Following its formation last year, 11:11 Systems has been busy acquiring assets to assemble into a broader managed services business. This week the company closed on two additional purchases of certain assets and customers from some familiar names. [Read more →]

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Monday Bytes: Infinera, Ribbon, LOGIX, MS3

May 16th, 2022

A few more items from last week to catch up with post-ITW: [Read more →]

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How mature telcos are building new revenue streams and regaining supremacy 

May 13th, 2022

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Andreas H.F. Olsen, vice president of platform operations, Unacast

For many years, telecommunications companies have played a significant role in society. How did we communicate with one another before social media and over-the-top solutions like WhatsApp, Zoom, etc. ? We made a phone call and, more recently, sent an SMS (better known as a text message) –  both of which are telecommunications services. For years, telco companies had the market cornered, experiencing years of revenue growth with little actual competition. [Read more →]

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Int’l Roundup: GTT, Telstra, AMS-IX, DE-CIX, Arelion

May 12th, 2022

News items worth noting from three global network backbones and two IX giants: [Read more →]

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Colo Bytes: 1547, Cologix, Crosslake, Element Critical, Flexential

May 11th, 2022

Four items from the data center front to catch up with at midweek so far: [Read more →]

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Zayo Takes on 400G, ESG

May 11th, 2022

Zayo has made two interesting announcements this week, one on a broad network upgrade and the other on the financial front. [Read more →]

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DC BLOX Invests in a CLS in Myrtle Beach

May 11th, 2022

DC BLOX is building something new down on the coast of South Carolina. The Southeastern data center operator is constructing a new cable landing station at the International Technology and Aerospace Park in the sandy resort town of Myrtle Beach . [Read more →]

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Tuesday Roundup: DF&I, Arcadian Infracom, Fujitsu, Vivaro, Aurora, Everstream

May 10th, 2022

Multiple interesting bits of regional fiber network news from around the US to catch up on this week: [Read more →]

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ZenFi Expands LinkNYC Plans

May 9th, 2022

The LinkNYC project is entering a new phase, and ZenFi will be rolling out new infrastructure to support it. The company revealed a few details about those expansion plans today as it takes aim at the parts of New York City that don’t have the connectivity most probably think they do. [Read more →]

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Unitas Global Buys INAP’s Network Biz

May 9th, 2022

There was some interesting M&A in the managed network services business this morning. Unitas Global has announced the acquisition of INAP’s Network business assets, expanding its own portfolio while expanding its customer list. [Read more →]

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Industry Spotlight: Serverfarm’s Jochem Steman on Europe’s Colo Marketplace

May 9th, 2022

The data center space is a very dynamic place to invest these days, with space being sold as quickly as it can be developed, whether it is at the core or the edge.  In Europe, the ecosystem is even more complex than usual right now due to the events in Ukraine and its effects on the energy sector.  But it is against that backdrop that Serverfarm is looking to expand its footprint in the region.  With us today to talk about Serverfarm’s viewpoint on the European marketplace and the company’s plans for expansion is Jochem Steman, VP of Colocation Europe. [Read more →]

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Government Robocall Action Declared a Failure: What’s Next?

May 6th, 2022

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Noah Rafalko, founder and CEO of TSG Global

And the robocalls keep on coming.

The STIR/SHAKEN legislation enacted last year that was supposed to save Americans from a pandemic of obnoxious robocalls has officially been declared a failure. Apparently, giving the government mandate a catchy name [Read more →]

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Fiber Roundup: Infinera, GlobalConnect, Lightpath, Horizon, Windstream

May 5th, 2022

Some network expansion and upgrade news to catch up on: [Read more →]

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Wednesday Roundup: Zayo, Equinix, PacketFabric, Unitas Global, NM Fiber Network

May 4th, 2022

A tech trial, a deal closing, a strategic alliance, and a new fiber operator: [Read more →]

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EXA Taps TAP For New Route to Turkey

May 3rd, 2022

EXA Infrastructure continues to invest in its infrastructure on the southeastern flank of Europe. The infrastructure operator is teaming up in a JV with Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG (TAP) to develop a new connectivity option across the region. [Read more →]

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123Net To Build New Intercity Route

May 3rd, 2022

Michigan will soon have a new fiber option aiming to the north of Detroit. The regional provider 123NET has unveiled plans to build new infrastructure between Southfield in the Detroit metro area up to Bay City on the shore of Lake Huron. [Read more →]

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DZS Buys Pieces of ASSIA

May 3rd, 2022

There was a bit of consolidation in the cloud software vendor space yesterday. DZS has announced an agreement to acquire specific core assets of Adaptive Spectrum and Signal Alignment, Inc. (ASSIA), expanding its own portfolio and talent pool inorganically. [Read more →]

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