Int’l Bytes: BT, LogRhythm, Colt DCS, Proximity

April 25th, 2023

A significant public sector deal, a cybersecurity partnership, a new data center, and a new edge IX: [Read more →]

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Industry Spotlight: Ernie Ortega on GTT’s Transformation, Outlook

April 24th, 2023

After a trip through restructuring, GTT is officially back.  The company looks a lot different now, with a streamlined set of assets and a new focus on providing managed network and security services to the global enterprise marketplace.  A year ago we talked with former COO Don MacNeil about the path forward, and today we are joined by CEO Ernie Ortega.  Ernie is of course an industry veteran, having started his career with MCI back in the day.  He has done stints with the likes of XO, Cogent, Colt, and TowerStream, and took over the CEO role at GTT near the beginning of the restructuring process before shepherding the company through the pandemic period.  Here he’ll offer his take on the road ahead. [Read more →]

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Why You Need a CSP Partner to Succeed in a Digital World

April 21st, 2023

This Industry Viewoint was authored by Ken Kennedy, COO and President of Revenue Management & Digital Monetization at CSG

In today’s digital world, the ability to survive as an enterprise has become an arms race. If an enterprise becomes complacent or fails to keep an eye on the future, it’ll quickly be outpaced by a more sophisticated competitor. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but to be the leader of the pack in a tight [Read more →]

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Thursday Roundup: Lumen, Nokia, Lightstorm, AF-CIX, Zayo

April 20th, 2023

Three network upgrade projects and a new IX. [Read more →]

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Earth Day 2023: Reflecting on Telecoms and E Waste

April 20th, 2023

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Hannes Gredler, Founder and CTO at RtBrick

Earth Day 2023 is right around the corner on April 22, and it’s a great opportunity to reflect on the telecoms industry’s environmental footprint. E-waste not only affects the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) being put into the atmosphere, but studies have shown that there are even negative health effects for adults and children. The telecoms sector itself is a large contributor [Read more →]

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Wednesday Roundup: Ritter, STL, Ciena, Versa

April 19th, 2023

A fiber network expansion and three vendor portfolio expansions: [Read more →]

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Colo Bytes: AMS-IX, MDXi, CoreSite, DataBank, GI Partners

April 18th, 2023

Four data center moves in four geographies to catch up with: [Read more →]

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Tuesday Bytes: Sparkle, Infinera, Ribbon, Nokia

April 18th, 2023

Four bits of technology upgrades tapping three vendors both local and international over the last few days: [Read more →]

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Industry Spotlight: Accenture’s Andrew Walker on the State of Telecoms

April 17th, 2023

For today’s interview, we have a return visit from Accenture’s Andrew Walker whom we last talked to just about two years ago.  Andrew’s role has expanded from a focus on North America to where he now leads Accenture’s Global Communications & Media consulting division.  Andrew has conversations with players from across the sector regularly, developing strategies for business transformation in the age of cloud infrastructure.  That puts him in a good position to see things from an outside perspective. [Read more →]

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Searchlight Capital, BCI Take a Swing at Consolidated

April 14th, 2023

The network M&A marketplace hasn’t been too busy lately, but as springtime arrives that may be changing. Yesterday, Consolidated Communications revealed it has received a “Take Private” offer from Searchlight Capital Partners and British Columbia Investment Management Corporation. [Read more →]

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The Endless Possibilities to Tackle Data Centre Sustainability

April 14th, 2023

Authored by Stephen Scott, Chief Executive Officer, Datalec Precision Installations (DPI)

Every single day, people around the world grab their phones, check their email, watch a YouTube video, or  open their laptops to begin their workday. All of these communal actions create a gargantuan amount of data that’s challenging to even visualize. By 2025 it’s estimated that 463 exabytes will be generated each day in data from [Read more →]

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Thursday Bytes: GPC, Comcast Business, Uniti Group, Zayo

April 13th, 2023

Two metro fiber/WiFi deals, one regional densification project, and some transatlantic connectivity: [Read more →]

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M&A in US Telecom Infrastructure

April 12th, 2023

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by J. Drew Mullin, Partner, ATLANTIC-ACM

Investment in US Telecom companies has been red-hot for 15 years and remains strong despite broader economic concerns. Infrastructure asset M&A is highly active, and multiples that were once 10-20 times EBITDA have risen to 20-30 times EBITDA. MetroConnect and PTC, two of the larger investment tradeshows in the telecom space, have grown significantly over the last 15 years to reach record attendance in 2023. 2022 saw declines in [Read more →]

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Tuesday Bytes: 123Net, Ziply, FirstLight

April 11th, 2023

Three regional fiber projects to catch up with: [Read more →]

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Far North Fiber Kicks Off Cable Route Study

April 11th, 2023

Might we have a pan-Arctic submarine cable system in just a few years? Far North Fiber has taken the next step toward making its proposed project reality by kicking off the cable route study, which would be followed by a marine survey. [Read more →]

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Industry Spotlight: Consolidated Communications’ Gabe Waggoner

April 10th, 2023

The FTTH space is one of the most dynamic in the infrastructure world right now, with providers of all types investing resources in residential connectivity around the country.   Last year we talked to Consolidated Communications here for an Industry Spotlight about their Fidium buildout plans.  Now, one year later where are they?  With us today to talk about the company’s buildout status and where they are putting their efforts going forward is Gabe Waggoner, Executive Vice President of Operations at Consolidated Communications. [Read more →]

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The Nucleus of Connectivity: Carrier Hotels

April 6th, 2023

Authored by John Bonczek, Chief Revenue Officer, fifteenfortyseven Critical Systems Realty

We are in the midst of a massive shift in how people work, communicate, and interact in society. With just a tip of the AI-generated capabilities being introduced, the world as we know it is about to change in ways we are unable to even imagine. In order for this new future to become a reality, digital infrastructure must be fortified to support the insatiable data it will eventually deliver. As a result, networks responsible for [Read more →]

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UPN To Expand Into Augusta

April 5th, 2023

Unite Private Networks has a new metro market in mind, and it’s not within their usual midwestern and southwestern territory. Yesterday they announced an expansion of their footprint into Augusta GA. [Read more →]

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Tuesday Bytes: Bandwidth IG, Console Connect, Nokia, OpenColo, Verizon

April 4th, 2023

Some metro fiber, some software-defined interconnection, some 800GE, and a significant federal contract award: [Read more →]

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Monday Roundup: FiberLight, MDC, Comcast Business, PacketFabric, Windstream

April 3rd, 2023

Several interesting items from late last week that are worth keeping up with: [Read more →]

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Three Practical Steps for Building A Quantum Network (Yes, Now!)

March 31st, 2023

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Cara Alexander, Product manager at Aliro Quantum.

Quantum Communication is a rapidly emerging technology grounded in a robust tradition of academic theory and experimentation.  However, because the industry is still young, building a quantum network is uniquely complex, combining some of the hardest problems in science and engineering. Very few organizations have skill sets in both classical networking and quantum physics and many view quantum networking [Read more →]

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March 31st, 2023

This Industry Viewpoint was authored by Dario Betti, Mobile Ecosystem Forum

Standardisation has helped the mobile industry to evolve, touching everything from commerce to healthcare. The impact is huge. In 2019, mobile technologies and services contributed $4.1 trillion of additional economic value (around 4.7% of global GDP), equating to around [Read more →]

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Metro Bytes: UPN, Wyyerd, Lumos, Tribal Ready

March 30th, 2023

Four bits of metro fiber and FTTH expansion news from around the country: [Read more →]

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