Internet Vigilantes Take Another One Down

November 13th, 2008

Internet security sites are buzzing with the latest success of self-policing.  As reported by Brian Krebs in his blog on the Washington Post site, San Jose based web hosting service McColo has been cut loose from the internet by its providers.  According to various security experts, perhaps 75% of daily spam & scam email globally was knocked offline, at least temporarily, as it either originated from McColo or was otherwise controlled from there.  I find this whole situation quite fascinating. [Read more →]


Why I sold Cogent

November 13th, 2008

Hello All, thejuice here. I wanted to update a previous set of blogs regarding Cogent (CCOI). As previously indicated, I purchased a group of next gen carriers when their EV/Ebitdas got in the 3.5 range. One of those names, Cogent was of particular interest to me as I believed that management needed [Read more →]

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BPL Rising From the Dead?

November 12th, 2008

Just when you might have thought Broadband over Power Lines was finally dead and buried, here it comes back again.  In this iteration, it is IBM and an upstart called IBEC pushing the idea and, yes, putting money behind it.  As if we don’t have plenty of viable business models in need of investment right now?  The idea for BPL this time is to go where the cable and DSL providers [Read more →]

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Metro Fiber Providers Q3 Update

November 12th, 2008

Today I am updating my list of metro fiber providers that I last revisited back in August. As usual, I look for metro route miles and raw on-net buildings of all types, and look at the ratio as a raw metric for relative density and penetration. This quarter’s major surprise came in an email from Fibertech, [Read more →]


Level 3 Tightens CDN/Vyvx Integration

November 11th, 2008

Over at The Business of Online Video Dan Rayburn reports that this month Level 3 (LVLT) has opened broadcast encoding centers in Manhattan and Tulsa.  This represents yet another step in the evolution of Level 3’s content offerings, one that it has always hoped will separate it from the pack. [Read more →]

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FiberNet Adds Chicago, Miami

November 11th, 2008

Defying the tsunami of economic fear out there, FiberNet Telecom Group (FTGX) has brought metro networks online in two brand new markets: Chicago and Miami.  This is a significant milestone for the company, before now they had focused nearly all their effort on NYC with a small extension in Los Angeles, they have doubled their markets!  It seems clear after this initiative that they have bigger [Read more →]

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XO Lights Up Q3 Earnings

November 11th, 2008

Today we got our first look at XO Communications (XOHO.OB) since Carl Icahn refinanced their debt early in the third quarter with large amounts of preferred stock. Despite the opinion of the Washington Post the other day, XO did not disappoint and the effects of the economic crisis on its performance were not detectable this quarter. In their earnings release, the company announced a solid revenue growth and unexpectedly strong EBITDA: [Read more →]


Unity Versus Empowerment

November 10th, 2008

From the consolidation in the telecom and fiber sector over the last four years came fewer and larger companies and difficult integrations. Two of the most aggressive rollup artists were Level 3 Communications (LVLT) in the first half and Zayo in the second, each assembling a vast array of mixed assets.  The two are not really comparable in size or geography of course, yet the systems they are unifying are similar and their approaches to patching [Read more →]


The Incredible Shrinking Sprint

November 8th, 2008

As I read through Sprint’s earnings release on Friday, one question kept running through my mind:  “Just how long can they keep doing this?”  Every quarter, another 2-3% sequential drop in revenues as customers flee.   They’re going to have to step up and fix the situation soon, else we will get to see what happens when falling revenues meet fixed costs – freefall is the pleasant part, the pain comes when you land. [Read more →]


Colocation Helps Internap's Advance

November 8th, 2008

Internet solutions provider Internap(INAP) reported earnings Thursday after the market closed, showing a few signs of life again after a weak Q2 showing and an horrible 2008 so far. Revenues of were higher than generally expected, and adjusted ebitda and earnings were similarly [Read more →]

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Rackspace Rides On

November 7th, 2008

Wow, it’s been a busy few days for the internet infrastructure sector, it seems like just about everyone yet to report earnings is trying to squeeze through the door.  Today hosting specialist Rackspace (RAX), which had the lucky timing of going public in August just before the economy fell and broke a hip, reported its third quarter numbers.  I don’t yet have a great feel for this company and where they might or might not go.  On the one hand there is the older but solid hosting/colo model and on the other hand [Read more →]

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More Detail on Cogent From TheJuice

November 6th, 2008

Good morning all. Well Cogent (CCOI) reported this morning and there are quite a few items to discuss. First off, these guys are good traders. Although not impacted in the current financial statements it appears they have purchased back more than 50% of their debt for less than .50 cents on the dollar. Further, as we know they continued their assault on [Read more →]

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Cogent Did What?

November 6th, 2008

Cogent Communications (CCOI) reported earnings today, and it was quite a show – a variety show.  You know, the kind where there is some amazing stuff and also some other stuff you wish stayed behind the curtain.  So after reviewing thejuice’s primer let’s look at the usual figures first:  Revenues of $54.6M were perhaps a tad light but roughly as expected.  However adjusted EBITDA was weaker than anticipated at $14.2M, due to [Read more →]

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Global Crossing Keeps Climbing

November 6th, 2008

In late September, during the height of the fear of financial armageddon, the international telecom operator Global Crossing gave presentations at several investor conferences.  To disbelieving ears, they said that their growth trends were intact, and while they had been monitoring the situation watching for weakness they saw no disaster around the corner for their business.  The market decided they must be [Read more →]


TW Telecom Muscles On

November 6th, 2008

TW Telecom reported earnings after the bell today, although their CC is tomorrow morning.  I wasn’t too far off in my guesses – too high on network revenue and too low on data but it canceled out.  Overall, revenue of $291.6M was exactly what they promised in September, slower growth reflecting some churn from spreading economic weakness relative to their strong second quarter.  Modified EBITDA of $102.6M, however, was very strong, at 35.2% modified-EBITDA margins the company improved more than [Read more →]

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TW Telecom Q3 Preview

November 5th, 2008

Telecom services company TW Telecom (TWTC) reports earnings before the market opens on Thursday, so let’s look at some expectations.  The company reported stellar Q2 earnings but a month later issued a prophetic warning that economic weakness was spreading.  In the way only Wall Street can, the company’s stock price was first punished for being honest and then punished [Read more →]


Earnings Primer for Cogent Communications

November 5th, 2008

Hello all. Rob has given me the opportunity to write the Cogent primer! Cogent Communications (CCOI) reports earnings before the bell on Thursday. As readers of this blog and the IV board may know, as the market melted down I took positions in CCOI, TWTC, and Q, along with my core position in LVLT. As a consequence I have done a fair amount of research on Cogent and thought it might be [Read more →]


Level 3 Files Shelf, Includes Kitchen Sink

November 4th, 2008

Level 3 (LVLT) registered a shelf in an SEC filing today that allows them, basically, to sell indeterminate amounts of anything they want to anyone with a pulse.  Ok, it’s not that wide open, but it does position them to offer any of the following: [Read more →]


A Dull Hatchet Job by the Washington Post

November 4th, 2008

Now, I’m used to weak telecom reporting from some parts of the media, but this one really takes the cake.  The Washington Post, that bastion of newsworthiness, managed to write this wowser: [Read more →]


FCC Bails on Intercarrier Compensation

November 4th, 2008

Again.  The FCC continues to rewrite the definition of the word ‘deadline’, canceling its planned vote tomorrow on an overhaul of intercarrier compensation.  Today four commissioners rebelled against Chairman Kevin Martin’s proposal.  Precisely why is hard to say, because apparently it has not been made available for public view. [Read more →]

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Ceasefire Between Sprint and Cogent?

November 3rd, 2008

Today Sprint turned its peering connection with Cogent back on, as you can see here.  So is the war over?  It doesn’t look like it, it’s more of a unilateral ceasefire by Sprint, to let the women and children clear out. Sprint has explicitly stated that the reconnection is temporary.  In their own words: [Read more →]


On Internap's CDN Impairment

November 2nd, 2008

In a filing last week, internet solutions provider Internap (INAP) finally admitted what everyone already knew, that it paid too much for Vitalstream, and said they would write off some $99.7M in goodwill.  That their entry into the CDN business via M&A and subsequent integration fiasco have done serious damage to shareholder value really can’t be questioned.  The exact number to write off, of course, is more about art [Read more →]

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More On the Cogent-Sprint Peering War

November 1st, 2008

The severing of peering connections between Cogent and Sprint the other day sent shock waves throughout the sector even as everyone tried to figure out just what had happened and what the extent of the damage was.  There wasn’t ever much hope that this would be a short interruption, and in fact everyone seems to be settling in for a long one.  The disagreement between the two, at least in public, seems to be [Read more →]

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