Another Acquisition for LS Networks

November 1st, 2022 by · Leave a Comment

LS Networks has made another inorganic move out in the Pacific Northwest. The regional fiber operator has announced the acquisition of Commstructure Consulting, boosting their capabilities as they move to expand their fiber footprint across the region.

This is LS Networks’ second deal already this fall. At the end of September they announced a deal for PocketiNet, which will get them into the FTTH business for the first time. PocketiNet’s existing footprint is in southeastern Washington and northeastern Oregon, while LS Networks’ broader footprint hits much of Oregon and Washington and reaches down into northern California.

So how does that fit into LS Networks plans? Commstructure Consulting specializes in OSP infrastructure design and project management. Those engineering capabilities will come in handy as they move into the FTTH world and add more and more lit depth to their network. Might there be additional inorganic opportunities that LS Networks might use to accelerate its expansion plans? We’ll just have to see.

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Categories: Engineering & Construction · Fiber Networks · Mergers and Acquisitions · Metro fiber

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