DE-CIX Opens a New Interconnection Beachead in West Africa

February 18th, 2020 by · Leave a Comment

DE-CIX has found a new market into which it can inject its brand of interconnection services. In an announcement today, the Frankfurt-based IX specialist unveiled a memorandum of understanding with Internet Exchange Point of Nigeria.

IXPN has been around for a while but still handles IX traffic on a relatively small scale today, with 10 members each at its Lagos and Abuja exchanges, and 4 members each at Port Harcourt and Kano. DE-CIX’s first step will be to educate the local industry participants on the benefits of peering and interconnection services in hopes of raising that level of participation.

DE-CIX is now in 20+ markets worldwide, usually through a partner when it comes to the less-developed bandwidth markets of India, the Middle East, Asia, and now Africa. Their IX formula seems to work both at the 8Tbps scale they have in Frankfurt and at the less intense scale one finds in secondary and tertiary markets.

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